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Aerospace, Automotive, Case studies, Facilities

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    For the first quarter of 2023 and as part of our “A Day in the Life of” campaign, we had the pleasure to interview Mariusz Klimaszewski, SMT Team Leader in Asteelflash Bedford facility (England).

    Originally from Poland, Mariusz first studied Information Technology. These studies were an obvious choice for him as they allowed him to stay related to electronic. However, he was not entirely won over and when the opportunity to move to England presented itself in 2007, he did not hesitate to cross Europe to live his new life.

    There, the doors of the electronics business were opened to him, he gave himself body and soul in order to learn by doing and it is thanks to these opportunities, his will and his devotion to the business that he occupies today the position of SMT Team Leader.

    Being an SMT Team Leader brings responsibilities however, it is a job of passion. As an SMT Team Leader Mariusz starts every day with the Production meeting gathering all the managers and supervisors of the Bedford plant. This meeting is used to go through all the actual business of the plant (customers, running production and futures ones…). Mariusz must know everything that is happening on the SMT lines at every time. Making sure that everything is there, everything is ready like supposed is really important in case of unforeseen event, he is the one in charge to find solutions to minimize the negative consequences for the client. As a SMT Team Leader, Mariusz then always have a plan B or C to counteract to potentials contingencies.

    Mariusz has been working at Asteelflash for 8 years now and when he's not working, he likes to relax with his friends on a soccer field or playing online with them. One of his great passions and which brings him a lot of satisfaction is to repair all kinds of objects such as computers for example.

    His job is also a great source of enthusiasm and motivation thanks to the teams he works with. Mariusz has built a solid team in 1 year and today he is proud to work with each of them who give their all to succeed in their mission. This is a great inspiration to him.

    However, being a team leader also brings its share of challenges because you have to deal with the characters of each person who can be very different. Mariusz likes to describe his team as a Swiss Army knife. Indeed each part of it is unique but the whole can only work if all the pieces are assembled together and that is also the beauty of his job.

    A Day in the Life of Gabin Bayen - Engineering Manager

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