
The future of electronics manufacturing technologies

Written by Tiphanie Piccard | Apr 26, 2019


More than 13 billion dollars is what was expected to be invested in electronic manufacturing companies in 2016. In 2021, 36 billion dollars are expected to be invested in EMS’s involvement in 3D printing technology : the EMS market is growing fast. In fact, 3D printing is expected to boom particularly in the dental world. Electronics manufacturing services providers will also participate in an expected 25-billion investments in the robotics sector in 2021.

Contract manufacturers in EMS will be glad to know that the world is growing towards Smart Factories. What is a Smart Factory? It’s an environment in which machinery and equipment are able to improve processes through automation and self-optimization. It benefits the physical production of goods, without the human margin of error. It also helps with planning, supply chain logistics and product development. Considering the number of robots needed to achieve such factories, electronics manufacturing technologies are required to sustain this growth. A bigger supply means faster results, better research, better customer care and fewer delays.

Companies thinking about artificial intelligence (AI) could benefit from an EMS provider, since fewer resources and budget spent on mass production and supply chain components means more focus on software. EMS themselves will also improve their supply chain processes with artificial intelligence, diminishing production costs to the benefit of their clients. All in all, electronic manufacturing services allow for more production at lower costs and implant new products on the market more efficiently.



The Greens Technologies and Energy Management : solutions provided by EMS suppliers

Society is now realizing how production can affect the world around us and our environment. Today’s leaders will need to think about new green technologies and efficient ways to implant them in the upcoming market. The way we produce as well as the way we transport must be taken into consideration for a greener and safer tomorrow.

The good news is : gouvernments tend to subsidize companies who work towards such a goal. EMS are a practical asset to serve these goals, since they can mass-produce at a lower cost and are available worldwide. That means production can be strategically done closer to the final market, or in low cost countries. The implication of EMS companies in smart factories all around the globe help maintain a green production value. More precisely, EMS companies are a key component to achieve a lean management system, involving less people, less steps before production, less impact on the environment.

One example of a green solution is solar energy, or photovoltaics. They are known as a method for generating electric power by using solar cells, that convert energy from the sun into electrons and electricity. This way of managing energy is clean, using the sun’s renewable energy. This way of managing energy is clean, using the sun’s renewable energy. This type of products is spreading in the consumer world but also in the business world as the planet is getting conscious of global warming. EMS companies have the knowledge and the expertise to build those kinds of products at the right cost and highest quality, helping companies that sell photovoltaics panels to optimize their production and have the scalability they need.

Asteelflash, available everywhere, delivers high-end electronic manufacturing services in all industries. Expert from design, printed circuit board (PCB) assembly, manufacturing to mass production and new product introduction (NPI) services, Asteelflash is set and ready to respond the technological explosion that awaits us.